Yesterday was a hard day for Michael Jackson fans worldwide. Today, a day after the initial pain we find many people giving their regards to his family, friends, and fans. Rhymefest is one of these artists. He has re-released his '07 mixtape that sampled/remixed Jackson's music as a free download dedicated to the memory of the King of
Pop Music. In 'Fest's words:
"People like to refer to MJ as the King of Pop. I disagree. I think many of us realize he was the King of Music, redefining the way many artists approach their craft; whether it be Hip-Hop, soul, R&B, blues, pop and rock. Please download MAN IN THE MIRROR and recapture his misunderstood beauty." - Rhymefest
So here it is. "Man in the Mirror: A Tribute to Michael Jackson".
R.I.P. Michael Jackson.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson.
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